総数343件 前の20件へ← 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 →次の20件へ
They are from the philipines
They are from the philipines.
We went to Turry's coffee shop to pick up the wheelchair.
Her father borrowed the scooter
Her father borrowed the scooter.
She had to park the scooter outside the hotel.
So I bought a cover for her to protect the scooter from rain.
He borrowed the scooter for his broyher
He borrowed the scooter for his brother.
I deliver the scooter to the hotel at Ginza and picked up from the hotel at Shinjyuku.
She borrowed the scooter for her mother
She borrowed the scooter for her mother.
Her mother drove the scooter through the crowded sidewalk of Shibuya.
I was very surprised to hear it.
She enjoyed sightseeing at Tokyo
We deliver the Electric Wheelchair to Shibuya for her.
She enjoyed sightseeing at Tokyo.
They are from Shingapole
They came to here at Asakusa by renting a automobile from Narita Airport.
They ate dinner here at Asakusa on the last day of there stay.
They said the meal wonderful
They were from USA
There was a phone call from her one day before her arrival to Yokohama.
But we were able to deliver the scooter to her at Yokohama.
He bought the electricwheelchair from us
He bought the electricwheelchair from us.
Since he was very pleased by our wheelchair.
The wheel of the wheelchair he borrowed burst.And he got it repaired at the bycycle shop at Kyoto.
They are from Indonesia
They are from Indonesia.
They were pleased by our Electric Wheelchair and gave me a preasent for it.
He is from Taiwann
He is from Taiwann.
He came to meet her daughter living here in Japan.
This man broke his leg
This man broke his leg here in Japan.
There was a phone call at that day.
We were able to deliver the Electric Wheelchair on the next day
This family is from Australia
Thais family is from Australia.
They gave us a phone call just after they arrived at Narita Airport.
But we were able to deliver the scooter to Tokyo Disneyland on one hour later.
This family is from Mexico
She wanted to board on the Shinkansen with the scooter.
But the scooter is prohibited on the Shinkansen Line.
So I suggested the Electric Wheelchair.
She was pleased by our suggestion and gave us a tequila.
This couple went to Gifu
This couple went to Gifu prefecture with our Electric Wheelchair.
They were pleased with the wheelchair and gave us wine from Spain.
This is his second time
This is his second time to borrow the Electric Wheelchair.
We are waiting for his third time to come to Japan.
They enjoyed their stay at Shibuya
His wife was pregnant and borrowed our scooter.They enjoyed their stay at Shibuya.
This family is from Thailand
This family is from Thailand. We forget to bring the battery when we delivered the wheelchair. So we went to Tokyo Disneyland to complete our mission.
He is from Philipines
He is from Philipines. He needed our wheelchair for his wife. He traveled around Kamakura and enjoyed his trip.
She is from Denmark
She is from Denmark. She is traveling all over the world and broke her leg during her trip. So she needed our wheelchair. She enjoyed her stay in Tokyo and extended her stay here in Tokyo.
総数343件 前の20件へ← 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 →次の20件へ
He contacted us the day before our delivery.
His brother injured his leg and needed our wheelchair.
He contacted us the day before our delivery.
But we prepaired the wheelchair.