Thank you for using our services!!
総数343件 1
He was very powerful
He came to a hotel at Shinjuku at midnight from Narita Airport.But he was very powerful.
She is not able to bend her knee
She is not able to bend her knee,So she brought a pillow in order to fit her knee on the wheelchair.
He is from Spain.
He is from Spain.
He cannot bend his knee but we offered him a towel in order to fit his knee.
She was able to enjoy her stay with our wheelchair
She broke her leg just before her visit to Japan.
But she was able to enjoy her stay with our wheelchair.
She is from Phillipines
She is from Phillipines. She is a student of Tokyo University. She broke her leg and needed our wheelchair for 2 months.
Actually she recovered in 1 month. So her rental period was only 1 month.
He came from China
He came from China to meet his son living here in Japan.
He enjoyed his stay here in Japan very much.
They are from USA
She was trying to rent a wheelchair from an agent other than us. But she lost contact with the agent. We save her stay by affording her our wheelchair.
This is second time
This is second time
This is second time she borrowed the vehicle from us.
It was the season of cherry blossoms and this is the nice picture we took.
She went to Hiroshima and Kyushu after this.
I wished her nice trip.
Her grandmother needed our wheelchair
Her grandmother needed our wheelchair
Her grandmother needed our wheelchair.
She called us one day before her rent.
But we were able to deliver the wheelchair.
They are from USA
They are from USA
They are from USA.
All 10 of them enjoyd shopping at Kawasaki.
They are from Thailand.
They are from Thailand.
They are from Thailand.
They traveled around Japan,renting on autombile.
They borrowed 3 wheelchairs
They borrowed 3 wheelchairs
Thanks to them.
They borrowed 3 wheelchairs from us.
We delivered the wheelchairs to Narita Airport.
She went to temples at Kyoto.
She went to temples at Kyoto.
She is over 80years old.
But she came from USA alone.
She went to temples at Kyoto.
She was very interested in Japanese religion.
He contacted us the day before our delivery.
He contacted us the day before our delivery.
His brother injured his leg and needed our wheelchair.
He contacted us the day before our delivery.
But we prepaired the wheelchair.
They are from the philipines
They are from the philipines
They are from the philipines.
We went to Turry's coffee shop to pick up the wheelchair.
Her father borrowed the scooter
Her father borrowed the scooter
Her father borrowed the scooter.
She had to park the scooter outside the hotel.
So I bought a cover for her to protect the scooter from rain.
He borrowed the scooter for his broyher
He borrowed the scooter for his broyher
He borrowed the scooter for his brother.
I deliver the scooter to the hotel at Ginza and picked up from the hotel at Shinjyuku.
She borrowed the scooter for her mother
She borrowed the scooter for her mother
She borrowed the scooter for her mother.
Her mother drove the scooter through the crowded sidewalk of Shibuya.
I was very surprised to hear it.
She enjoyed sightseeing at Tokyo
She enjoyed sightseeing at Tokyo
We deliver the Electric Wheelchair to Shibuya for her.
She enjoyed sightseeing at Tokyo.
They came there At Asakusa
They are from Shingapole
They came to here at Asakusa by renting a automobile from Narita Airport.
They ate dinner here at Asakusa on the last day of there stay.
They said the meal wonderful
They were from USA
They were from USA
There was a phone call from her one day before her arrival to Yokohama.
But we were able to deliver the scooter to her at Yokohama.
He bought the electricwheelchair from us
He bought the electricwheelchair from us
He bought the electricwheelchair from us.
Since he was very pleased by our wheelchair.
The wheel of the wheelchair he borrowed burst.And he got it repaired at the bycycle shop at Kyoto.
They are from Indonesia
They are from Indonesia
They are from Indonesia.
They were pleased by our Electric Wheelchair and gave me a preasent for it.
He is from Taiwann
He is from Taiwann
He is from Taiwann.
He came to meet her daughter living here in Japan.
This man broke his leg
This man broke his leg
This man broke his leg here in Japan.
There was a phone call at that day.
We were able to deliver the Electric Wheelchair on the next day
This family is from Australia
This family is from Australia
Thais family is from Australia.
They gave us a phone call just after they arrived at Narita Airport.
But we were able to deliver the scooter to Tokyo Disneyland on one hour later.
This family is from Mexico
This family is from Mexico
She wanted to board on the Shinkansen with the scooter.
But the scooter is prohibited on the Shinkansen Line.
So I suggested the Electric Wheelchair.
She was pleased by our suggestion and gave us a tequila.
This couple went to Gifu
This couple went to Gifu
This couple went to Gifu prefecture with our Electric Wheelchair.
They were pleased with the wheelchair and gave us wine from Spain.
This is his second time
This is his second time
This is his second time to borrow the Electric Wheelchair.
We are waiting for his third time to come to Japan.
They enjoyed their stay at Shibuya
They enjoyed their stay at Shibuya
His wife was pregnant and borrowed our scooter.They enjoyed their stay at Shibuya.
This family is from Thailand
This family is from Thailand
This family is from Thailand. We forget to bring the battery when we delivered the wheelchair. So we went to Tokyo Disneyland to complete our mission.
He is from Philipines
He is from Philipines
He is from Philipines. He needed our wheelchair for his wife. He traveled around Kamakura and enjoyed his trip.
She is from Denmark
She is from Denmark
She is from Denmark. She is traveling all over the world and broke her leg during her trip. So she needed our wheelchair. She enjoyed her stay in Tokyo and extended her stay here in Tokyo.
This family is from Russia
This family is from Russia
This family is from Russia. They were very excited to see the fire festival of Sumida River.
This family is from Philipine
This family is from Philipine
This family is from Philipine. This gentleman who used the wheelchair could only speak English. But we are able to get in touch with him.
They are Mexican
They are Mexican
They are Mexican. She broke her leg and called for our wheelchair the next morning. So we deliverd the wheelchair right away.
Rental for the second time
Rental for the second time
He borrowed the wheelchair from us for the second time.He enjoyed our service in the first time very much.He is fond of Japanese wheelchair for it is light and easy to handle.
She is from Australia
She is from Australia
She is from Australia.We delivered our wheelchair to a hotel in Shibuya for her.She borrowed the wheelchair for her grandfather who is 82years old.
They are from the U.S
They are from the U.S
They are from the U.S.
They payed the insurance money to our bank acount in advance.We payed back the insurance noney for there was no damage in the wheelchair.
They enjoyed our service and gave us five stars on the Trip Adviser Website.
Rental for the second time
Rental for the second time
This man borrowed our wheelchair for the second time.He enjoyed our service and got in touch with us for the second time.
He got on the subway with the wheelchair and was pleased by the kindness of the staff.
This man had his wheelchair
This man had his wheelchair
This man had his wheelchair with him to Japan.
But unfortunately his wheelchair broke,so he got in touch with us and we were able to deliver the substitution on the same day.
She is from Great British
She is from Great British
This grand mother came to meet her grandson here to Japan from Great Britain.
She was surprised with the crowd here in downtown Tokyo.
He is from Sweden
He is from Sweden
He is from Sweden.
He happened to get in touch with us for he lokked at the blog of the customer who once we serviced.
He was abie to go around Tokyo by train for we offered the permission to get on public transportation.
We offered 2wheelchairs for them
They are from Italy
They are from Italy.
The wheelchair was for the mother.
But he needed a wheelchair for himself.
He had his leg broken.
So we offered 2Wheelchairs for them.
They are from China
They are from China
They are from China.
They borrowed our wheelchair for their father.
They came to our office to borrow the wheelchair
and came to our office to return it.
This mother and her son are from Philippines
This mother and her son are from Philippines
This mother and her son are from Philippines.
Father of this mother needed our wheelchair.
They came from Malaysia
They came from Malaysia
They came from Malaysia.
The Wheelchair was broken during their stay in Japan.
So they needed our wheelchair.
He is from Dubai
He is from Dubai
He is from Dubai.
We deliverd this wheelchair for his wife.
We handed the wheelchair at the hotel lobby.
They are from China
They are from China
They are from China.
We delivered this scooter.
This family is from Malaysia
This family is from Malaysia
This family is from Malaysia.
She handles this wheelchair on her home,
so she was able to controled the wheelchair very well.
He is from Thailand
He is from Thailand
He is from Thailand.
We delivered this wheelchair
on rainy day to a hotel at Akasaka.
The family from Indonesia
The family from Indonesia
The family from Indonesia
Heis from USA
He is from United State of America
He injured his knee and needed a Electric Wheelchair.We took contact by email and picked up the Electric Wheelchair at Hneda Airport.
She is from Australia
She is from Australia
She is from Australia.
I deliverd the Electric Wheelchair to a hotel at Ikebukuro.
And I picked up it at Hneda Airport.
This woman is from Australia
This woman is from Australia
This woman is from Australia.
She came to meet his son who works here in Japan.
She rented a scooter.
She uses a scooter by herself in Australia.
So she was a good driver of the scooter.
He is from Mexico for honey moon trip
He is from Mexico for honey moon trip
He is from Mexico for honey moon trip.
He enjoyed his trip here in Japan
He is from Australia
He is from Australia
He is from Australia.
He was in Japan 43 years ago When he was in college.
He went to Shimonoseki which is from far Tokyo.
He came from Hawaii
He came from Hawaii
He came from Hawaii to meet his daughter
here in Japan.
He is Japanese and his wife is Swedish.
He enjoyed her stay around Shinjuku.
This Lady is from Italy
This Lady is from Italy
This lady is from Italy.
She went to Kyoto with our wheelchair from Tokyo.
It is possible to get on the shinkansen ( bullet train) with our wheelchair
She is from Hawaii
She is from Hawaii
She is from Hawaii.
She injured her leg and needed our wheelchair.
In time when she were back home,
her leg healed and she enjoyed her stay in Japan.
This couple is from Dubai
This couple is from Dubai
This couple is from Dubai.
She went to Kyoto and Hakone.
She enjoyed her stay there with our wheelchair.
He is from Philippine
He is from Philippine
He is from Philippine.
He crashed on our Wheelchair.
But repare fee of the Wheelchair assured by inchurabce money.
Family who came from HAWAI I
Family who came from HAWAII
These 8 people are Family who came from HAWAII.
They were at Tokyo & Osaka on there 10 days stay in Japan.
I think they were very busy going to these 2 places.
Very good driver
Very good driver
We rent a scooter to this lady.
She came to visit her sister who lives here in Japan.
Her mother used our scooter before.
They were very good drivers of the scooter
She needed the wheelchair during her recovery
She needed the wheelchair during her recovery
This Lady is from Venezuela.
Her husband is a pilot.
She broke her left leg and needed the wheelchair
during her recovery.
This Lady is from Australia
This Lady is from Australia
This lady is from Australia.
We delivered the wheelchair to the Narita Airport for her.
We also went to the Airport to pick up the wheelchair.
He said Japan is just amazing!
He said Japan is just amazing!
This man is from U.S.A
We delivered the wheelchair to the hotel at Tokyo.
He went to Kyoto too, and came back to Tokyo.
He left Japan from Haneda Airport.
He said Japan is just amazing!
This man from Singapore
This man from Singapore
This man from Singapore was very precise
and handled the wheelchair correctly.
He went sightseeing around Tokyo.
This man from Panama
This man from Panama
This man from Panama took contact with us
on the day he neeed the wheelchair.
We were able to deliver the wheelchair on the day
of request.
So we may be able to deliver the wheelchair
on the day of request
We rented a power scooter who went crusing
he had a pleasant time on board with our scooter
We rented a power scooter who went crusing from Yokohana.
We were glad to hear he had a pleasant time on board with our scooter.
He was a good driver of the Power Wheelchair
He was a good driver of the Power Wheelchair
This man borrowed a power wheelchair from us.
He was a good driver of the wheelchair and handled it very well.
Thanks to our kindness,He gave us chocolates and cookies when he left Japan
the wheelchair was eazy to use
the wheelchair was eazy to use
This is Wysor's family.
The parents came to meet their son in Tokyo from United States.
They went sightseeing around Tokyo,Tsukizi,Ginza,
Asakusa, and so on.
They said the wheelchair was eazy to use and had a good time on it.
Our Client from Australia オーストラリアからのお客様
We lend powered wheelchair to Mike who stayed and enjoyed Tokyo DisneyLand for 8days.
We delivred the wheelchair to the hotel nearby and collected it from there.
He said it was perfect!
ディズニーランドホテルまで 車イスを引き取りに伺いました
快適だったと 大変喜んでくださいました
総数343件 1
お客様からのお便り - Messages from our clients
総数2件 1
総数2件 1
お申込みは、こちらからどうぞ- 電動カート走行のようす
- 外に出たいけど出れなくて困っている方
- 不安でなかなかレンタルするまでいかない方
あなたにぴったりの、あなただけの福祉車両車はいかがですか? ステップをつけたり、手すりをつけたりと思い通りの改造・カスタマイズができますよ!自動車修理を何年もやってるプロが担当しますので、腕の方も安心!ぜひご相談下さいね!(※一部お取り扱いできない車種もございます。)
株式会社 丸大自動車のホームページをご覧いただきまして、ありがとうございます。
His daughter broke her leg and needed oue wheelchair.The wheel bursted but we went quickly and repaired it. He wa very pleased by our prompt action.