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He came to a hotel at Shinjuku at midnight from Narita Airport.But he was very powerful.
She is not able to bend her knee,So she brought a pillow in order to fit her knee on the wheelchair.
He is from Spain.
He cannot bend his knee but we offered him a towel in order to fit his knee.
She broke her leg just before her visit to Japan.
But she was able to enjoy her stay with our wheelchair.
She is from Phillipines. She is a student of Tokyo University. She broke her leg and needed our wheelchair for 2 months.
Actually she recovered in 1 month. So her rental period was only 1 month.
He came from China to meet his son living here in Japan.
He enjoyed his stay here in Japan very much.
She was trying to rent a wheelchair from an agent other than us. But she lost contact with the agent. We save her stay by affording her our wheelchair.
This is second time
This is second time she borrowed the vehicle from us.
It was the season of cherry blossoms and this is the nice picture we took.
She went to Hiroshima and Kyushu after this.
I wished her nice trip.
Her grandmother needed our wheelchair
Her grandmother needed our wheelchair.
She called us one day before her rent.
But we were able to deliver the wheelchair.
They are from USA
They are from USA.
All 10 of them enjoyd shopping at Kawasaki.
They are from Thailand.
They are from Thailand.
They traveled around Japan,renting on autombile.
They borrowed 3 wheelchairs
Thanks to them.
They borrowed 3 wheelchairs from us.
We delivered the wheelchairs to Narita Airport.
She went to temples at Kyoto.
She is over 80years old.
But she came from USA alone.
She went to temples at Kyoto.
She was very interested in Japanese religion.
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His daughter broke her leg and needed oue wheelchair.The wheel bursted but we went quickly and repaired it. He wa very pleased by our prompt action.